How to Check Your AirPods’ Battery Health?

In our fast-paced world, where wireless earbuds have become an essential part of our daily lives, the last thing you want is for your AirPods to run out of battery when you need them the most.

That’s why understanding how to check your AirPods’ battery health is crucial.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to ensure your trusty earbuds are always ready to deliver your favorite tunes and answer your calls without any unpleasant surprises.

Stay tuned for a hassle-free listening experience!

How to check your AirPod battery health

Using AirPods Animation

To check your AirPods’ battery health using the “AirPods Animation” method, follow these steps:

Here 7 simple tips to keep AirPods falling out.

How to Check Your AirPods’ Battery Health?

  1. Connect AirPods: Ensure your AirPods are connected to your iOS device.
  2. Access Control Center: Swipe down from the upper-right corner of your iPhone or iPad screen to open the Control Center.
  3. Find AirPods Widget: Look for the “Now Playing” widget, which typically displays your current audio source. If your AirPods are connected, you’ll see an animation of your AirPods and their case.
  4. Battery Percentage: The battery percentage of your AirPods and their case will be displayed next to the animation, giving you an idea of their current health. This provides a quick snapshot of your AirPods’ battery status.

Using iPhone’s Battery Widget

To check your AirPods’ battery health using the iPhone’s Battery Widget:

  1. Connect AirPods: Ensure your AirPods are connected to your iPhone.
  2. Access Today View: Swipe right on your iPhone’s home screen or lock screen to open the Today View.
  3. Edit Widget: Scroll to the bottom and tap “Edit” to customize widgets.
  4. Add Batteries Widget: Find “Batteries” in the list of available widgets and tap the green “+” button next to it. Then, tap “Done” to save your changes.
  5. View Battery Status: In Today View, you’ll now see the “Batteries” widget. It will display the battery percentage of your AirPods and their case, giving you an indication of their current health.

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Checking AirPods Battery Life with the AirPods Case

To check your AirPods’ battery health using the AirPods case:

  1. Open Case: Ensure your AirPods are in their charging case.
  2. Connect to iPhone: With the case open, bring it close to your connected iPhone or iPad. A pop-up window will appear on your device’s screen displaying the battery percentage for both the AirPods and the case.
  3. Battery Status: The percentages indicate the current battery health. You can gauge the overall condition of your AirPods based on these readings. This method provides a quick and direct way to assess the battery life of your AirPods and their case using your iOS device.

Checking AirPods Battery Life with a Mac

To check your AirPods’ battery health using a Mac:

  1. Connect AirPods: Ensure your AirPods are connected to your Mac via Bluetooth.
  2. Click on Bluetooth Icon: In the Mac menu bar, click the Bluetooth icon (usually in the upper-right corner).
  3. Check Battery Status: A dropdown menu will display your connected devices, including your AirPods. Next to the AirPods listing, you’ll see the current battery percentage for both the left and right earbuds and the case. This provides a convenient way to monitor the battery health of your AirPods directly from your Mac, allowing you to assess their condition quickly and easily.

Now see how you possibly check airpods battery life through iPhone widget.

How to check AirPods battery life via an iPhone widget

To check your AirPods’ battery life via an iPhone widget, follow these steps:

  1. Connect AirPods: Ensure your AirPods are paired with your iPhone.
  2. Access Today View: Swipe right from your iPhone’s home screen to access the Today View.
  3. Edit Widget: Scroll to the bottom of Today View and tap “Edit” to customize your widgets.
  4. Add Batteries Widget: Look for the “Batteries” widget in the available widgets list and tap the green “+” button next to it. Then, tap “Done” to save your changes.
  5. View Battery Status: In Today View, you’ll now see the “Batteries” widget. It displays the battery percentages of your AirPods and their case, providing a quick and convenient way to monitor their battery health and usage right from your iPhone’s home screen.

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Why is it important to check your AirPod battery health

Checking your AirPods’ battery health is essential for several reasons.

First and foremost, it ensures your AirPods remain functional throughout the day. Knowing the battery status allows you to avoid unexpected shutdowns, especially during important calls or while enjoying music.

Secondly, monitoring battery health helps extend the lifespan of your AirPods. Lithium-ion batteries degrade over time, and being aware of their condition enables you to take better care of them, potentially delaying the need for expensive replacements.

Additionally, it allows you to plan your usage efficiently. If you know your AirPods have limited battery life, you can prioritize certain tasks or carry a backup.

Thus, checking AirPods’ battery health promotes convenience, longevity, and optimal performance.

How often should you check your AirPods battery health?

You should check your AirPods’ battery health periodically, but there’s no need to do it excessively. A good practice is to check it every few weeks or at least once a month.

How to Check Your AirPods’ Battery Health?

This frequency lets you stay informed about any significant changes in battery performance without being overly intrusive.

However, if you notice sudden drops in battery life or experience issues with your AirPods, it’s advisable to check their battery health more frequently to address any potential problems promptly.

Ultimately, the key is to strike a balance between monitoring your AirPods’ health and not making it a constant, unnecessary concern.

What can you do to improve your AirPods battery health?

To improve your AirPods’ battery health and extend their lifespan, consider the following tips:

  1. Avoid Deep Discharges: Try to keep your AirPods charged between 20% and 80% to minimize stress on the battery.
  2. Store at Optimal Conditions: Store your AirPods in a cool, dry place, avoiding extreme temperatures.
  3. Use the Right Charger: Always use the Apple-supplied or certified charger to prevent overcharging or overheating.
  4. Update Firmware: Keep your AirPods and charging case firmware up to date through iOS updates, which may include optimizations for battery management.
  5. Limit Exposure to Extreme Temperatures: Avoid using or charging your AirPods in very hot or cold environments, as extreme temperatures can degrade battery performance.
  6. Reduce Volume and Ambient Noise: Lowering volume levels and using noise cancellation sparingly can help conserve battery life during use.
  7. Consider Battery Replacement: If your AirPods’ battery health significantly deteriorates, consider getting the batteries replaced professionally.

By following these practices, you can help maintain and potentially improve your AirPods’ battery health, ensuring they continue to deliver optimal performance over time.

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What are the consequences of neglecting your Airpod battery health?

Neglecting your AirPods’ battery health can lead to several consequences:

  1. Reduced Usage Time: Over time, the battery capacity diminishes, resulting in shorter usage periods between charges.
  2. Frequent Charging: Neglected batteries may require more frequent charging, which can be inconvenient and disruptive to daily use.
  3. Performance Issues: Neglected batteries may lead to sudden shutdowns or erratic performance during calls or while listening to music.
  4. Early Replacement: Ignoring battery health can accelerate the need for costly battery or device replacements, impacting your wallet.
  5. Environmental Impact: Premature disposal of electronic devices due to poor battery health contributes to electronic waste, harming the environment.

Thus, neglecting AirPods’ battery health can result in inconvenience, performance issues, and financial and environmental costs. Regular maintenance and care are crucial to maximize their lifespan and usability.

How to properly care for your airpod battery

Properly caring for your AirPods’ battery is essential to maintain their longevity and performance:

  1. Charge Mindfully: Avoid deep discharges; charge between 20% and 80%. Disconnect when fully charged.
  2. Use Certified Accessories: Stick to Apple or certified chargers to prevent overcharging and overheating.
  3. Store Properly: Keep your AirPods in a cool, dry place, away from extreme temperatures.
  4. Update Firmware: Regularly update your AirPods’ firmware through iOS updates for battery optimizations.
  5. Limit Exposure: Avoid extreme temperatures and minimize exposure to direct sunlight.
  6. Clean Gently: Use a soft, lint-free cloth to clean your AirPods and case, preventing debris from affecting the battery contacts.
  7. Replace when Necessary: If battery health deteriorates significantly, consider professional battery replacement.

How to Check Your AirPods’ Battery Health?

By following these care guidelines, you can extend your AirPods’ battery life and ensure they serve you well for a longer time.

Related faq’s

Can I see the AirPod battery health on an Android device?

You cannot directly check the battery health of AirPods on an Android device. Battery health information is typically available only on iOS devices through the Apple ecosystem.

However, third-party apps may provide some basic battery status information for AirPods on Android, but it may not be as detailed as on iOS.

Check the Google Play Store for any available apps that offer this functionality.

Can you check AirPods battery health on Android?

You cannot check the battery health of AirPods directly on an Android device. Battery health information is primarily designed for Apple devices and is not readily accessible on Android.

Third-party apps may offer limited information, but it may not be as comprehensive as on iOS.

How do I check the health of my AirPods Max battery?

You can check the battery health of your AirPods Max by connecting them to an iOS device.

Open the “Settings” app, go to “Bluetooth,” tap the “i” icon next to your AirPods Max, and you should see the battery health percentage displayed under “AirPods Max.”

How do I check Airpod quality?

To check the audio quality of your AirPods, listen to various types of music and audio content on them.

Pay attention to the clarity of sound, balanced bass, treble, and overall volume. You can also use an audio testing app or play audio test tracks to evaluate their performance.

How do I check my AirPods battery without a case?

To check the battery status of your individual AirPods without the case, simply connect them to your paired device (e.g., iPhone), go to the Bluetooth settings, and tap the “i” icon next to your AirPods name.

You’ll see the battery percentage of each AirPod displayed there. This feature requires iOS 14 or later.


In conclusion, ensuring your AirPods maintain optimal battery health is crucial for uninterrupted listening pleasure.

Regularly checking their battery status through your device’s settings and charging them correctly can extend their lifespan.

Let’s engage: Have you encountered any battery issues with your AirPods? Share your experiences below!


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