Three 60s who often use headphones Hot search in principle: Once hearing damage is irreversible, don’t wear hearing aids because you are old – Kuai Technology – Technology changes the future

On March 3rd, we celebrated the 25th National Ear Love Day, drawing attention to the potential dangers associated with frequent headphone use, especially among individuals in their 60s.

This year, a trending topic on Weibo focused on the risks, underlining the significance of safeguarding our hearing as we age.

Understanding the Risks: The Impact of Frequent Headphone Use

As emphasized by the World Health Organization (WHO), continuous exposure to loud volumes via personal audio devices, like headphones, can result in irreversible hearing damage.

To mitigate these risks, medical professionals advocate for adhering to the “360 principles” when using headphones:

1. Maintain Ambient Noise Levels Below 60 Decibels

2. Limit Headphone Volume to Less Than 60%

3. Use Headphones for No More Than 60 Minutes at a Stretch

The Dangers of Noise Pollution

Sounds surpassing 85 decibels are classified as noise pollution and pose a significant threat to our auditory health.

Three 60s who often use headphones Hot search in principle: Once hearing damage is irreversible, don’t wear hearing aids because you are old – Kuai Technology – Technology changes the future

Prolonged exposure can lead to noise-induced deafness, a condition characterized by damage to the cochlear receptors, resulting in sensorineural deafness over time.

The Global Impact

While the gradual onset of hearing loss can make early detection challenging, data from WHO paints a stark picture.

Over 1 billion young individuals worldwide are at risk of irreversible hearing damage due to excessive headphone usage.

Experts caution that the proximity of headphones to the ears can inflict harm on delicate hair cells, causing irreversible harm that could have been prevented.

By raising awareness about the risks associated with headphone use and promoting responsible listening habits, National Ear Love Day serves as a crucial reminder to prioritize our auditory health.

Let’s take proactive steps to safeguard our hearing and cherish the gift of sound for years to come.

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